And my soul spread wide
its wings
and flew through quiet lands
as though flying home.
Joseph Karl Benedikt Freiherr von Eichendorff
On 15th August 2012 Dr. Martin Schneider-Jacoby died after a brief, severe illness at the age of 56. Ever since the founding of EuroNatur 25 years ago - and so for virtually half his life - he threw himself into the task of preserving the natural heritage of Europe: his commitment never faltered.
His dedicated work for nature conservation in the Balkans, a part of Europe he held very dear, is especially deserving of mention as is - equally – his passionate campaigning for the protection and habitat of migratory birds. It was not only the EuroNatur foundation that benefited from his store of experience, enriched over the many years. A far-reaching network of nature conservation partners over the whole of Europe benefited equally. His deep love of nature made Martin Schneider-Jacoby an excellent field biologist, who knew as no-one else did how to infect others with his enthusiasm.
The death of Martin Schneider-Jacoby is a heavy loss. We miss not only our longest-serving member of staff and his exceptional competence in his field but also a colleague and friend we have all valued. We cannot replace Martin Schneider-Jacoby. But we can do our utmost to carry on what he began in the way he meant it to be. Our heartfelt thanks go to him for his many years of exceptional commitment and involvement. And we wish to express our sincere sympathies to his immediate circle, his wider family and to all those who were close to him.
Please find here the obituary as pdf-file