Lake Skadar is a very important wintering and resting area for the Dalmatian pelican.
© Nationalpark Skutari-See / IWC-Programm"Those numbers are really sensational", says EuroNatur project manager Romy Durst. Birdwatchers documented 60 Dalmatian pelicans on Lake Skadar on the border between Albania and Montenegro at an international water bird counting session last Saturday. As a comparison: In the last years conservationists only counted 7 to 17 pelicans, during the winter time in this area.
The organization Wetlands International organizes the International Waterbird Census (IWC) since 1967. Within the IWC, every mid January, important water bird resting places are enumerated. Employees of EuroNatur are involved in the counting on a regular basis since 2004. The observations show for example, which wetlands resting areas are of international importance. In addition, with the collected data the changes in quantity and distribution of the bird populations can be detected easier.
However, there is not yet a sufficient network of water bird counters and bird watchers. There are still many gaps, especially in the countries along the Adriatic migration route. In a joint effort with its partners EuroNatur is strengthening the network by organizing regular consulting and trainings of competent conservationists.
Read more about the work of EuroNatur for the protection of migratory birds