Bear, wolf, lynx news

Learning to live with bears

Preventing conflicts between people and wild animals

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Don’t be afraid of the wolf

For the first time in more than 100 years, the presence of a female wolf has been verified in the Black Forest. Since two male wolves already live in the region, Baden-Württemberg might soon see the first wolf offspring since the extinction of the large carnivores. EuroNatur advocates an objective discussion.

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New Brown bear project just started

An important step for the protection of the Dinaric-Pindos bear population: In close cooperation with our partners in the Balkans and the Italian foundation Fondazione Capellino, we have started a tripoint bear project.

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Mother bear murdered in Montenegro

Poachers in Montenegro have shot dead the mother of two young brown bear cubs - a particularly dramatic case of wildlife crime, which has seen a significant increase in the country.

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Wolf population in West Poland still not secure despite growth in numbers

A long-term study on the spread of wolves into West Poland, which has just been published, makes clear that, despite the continuing growth in numbers in West Poland and Germany, the future survival of this population is not certain.

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Boom in illegal trade in animals in Albania

Despite a ban on hunting, numerous wild animals are being killed or traded in Albania; stuffed Balkan lynx, brown bears in cages, wild game on the menu are just a few examples.

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“Bear Killer Gang” sentenced

In northern Spain, members of an organised group of poachers from the province of Palencia were convicted - an important success for bear protection.

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Female Balkan lynx fitted with tracking device

Our partners from the North Macedonian nature conservation organisation MES have fitted a Balkan lynx with a tracking device. The female, named Narcisa, was trapped by the biologists on 12 February before being examined and fitted with a GPS transmitter.

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EU becomes active for Romania's primeval forests

EU announces legal action against Romania for illegal logging of Europe’s last natural forests.


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ECJ Judgement: No Relaxation of Protection for Wolves

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has placed very tight constraints on the granting of permits allowing wolves to be shot. In their ruling on 10 October, the judges concluded that stringent conditions must first be met before any wolves are killed.

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