Bears, vultures and flamingos - Europe's wildlife

Flying flamingos Flying flamingos
Cross-border protection of bears, wolves and lynx as well as Europe's migratory birds is one of EuroNatur's core concerns.
© Peter Sackl

Nature and species conservation have their price

A commentary by EuroNatur project manager Antje Henkelmann

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Their chests puffed out in pride

What happened before the click...Photographers tell their story behind a special picture. This time: posing starlings

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Planning a happy accident

What happened before the click...Photographers tell their story behind a special picture. This time it's about how good preparation often gives you the best motifs.

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Skuas centre stage

What happened before the click...Photographers tell their story behind a special picture. This time eye to eye with a skua.

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A bodyguard that barks

As puppies they are cute and cuddly but at just a few months old they are ready to take on bears and wolves to protect the sheep entrusted to them. We’re talking about herd guard dogs.

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