We were delighted that, after years of delay, Ulcinj Salina in Montenegro was declared a natural park at the end of June. Now the saltpans on the Adriatic are to enjoy international protection through the Ramsar Convention.

Ulcinj Salina continues to be an important site where birds can breed, rest during migration or spend thewinter. The situation for the Dalmatian pelicans and many other birds will improve after its designation as a Ramsar site.
© Borut StumbergerUlcinj Salina has now joined a distinguished list of wetland areas such as the Okavango Delta in Botswana and the Pantanal in South America. The saltpan on the Adriatic is one of the most important areas in Europe for birds to breed, overwinter or rest on migration. More than 250 species of bird have already been recorded here. After salt production was halted in 2013, the unique character of the habitat became threatened by fresh water infiltrating the saltpans. Its designation as a Ramsar site will increase the pressure on the authorities to restore the site to its former state by carrying out practical measures such as repair of the dam walls. EuroNatur and its partner organisations will be keenly monitoring these developments.
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