Around 3400 pictures of European nature were submitted to the judges this year – and the twelve winning photos are really something to look at.

Mine! by Tony Zhang, 1st place in EuroNatur’s 2020 photo competition
© Tony Zhang
Kiss for Mummy by Marcus Gangloff, 9th place in this year’s competition
© Marcus GangloffRadolfzell. The subject of the winning photo in this year’s "Europe’s Natural Treasures 2020" photo competition was the tussle between two cormorants over a tasty fish. It was taken in Hungary earlier this year by London-based photographer Tony Zhang. More than 1.100 photographers, amateur and professional, from 43 different countries took part in our prestigious photo competition this year.
“These images provide impressive proof of the fantastic natural treasures we have on our continent. We must do everything we can to preserve Europe’s biodiversity so that future generations will also have the opportunity to marvel anew at the wonders and riches of nature,” says Gabriel Schwaderer, head of EuroNatur and one of the competition judges.
This is the 27th time the EuroNatur nature foundation – together with natur magazine, Gelsenwasser AG and Constance’s specialist photography shop LichtBlick – has run the Europe’s Natural Treasures competition. Entries to the competition remain as high as ever this year.
Background information:
- All the winning photos can be seen on our website at
- From October, a large-scale wall calendar featuring the winning images can be ordered from our online shop:
Further information:
Christian Stielow, email: christian.stielow(at), tel.: +49 (0)7732 - 92 72 15
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