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Illegal logging of Romania’s natural forests increases despite court threat

New data reveal that the destruction of the EU’s last large remaining primary and old-growth forests in Romania is continuing unabated.

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BESTbelt - More power for the European Green Belt

++ EU-funded project „BESTbelt“ starts with calls to proposals ++ Initiative aims to make it easier for local nature conservation organisations getting access to EU funds ++

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Airport construction in Albania threatens to destroy important wetland area

++ Albanian government planning to build airport in Narta Lagoon ++ Possible revision to boundary of Vjosa-Narta protected area ++ 2nd February is World Wetlands Day ++

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Major blow to Bosnia hydropower project as Germany’s KfW drops financing plans

German development bank KfW has today confirmed that it has dropped plans to finance the controversial Janjići hydropower plant on the river Bosna in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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Spotlight on nature’s diversity

Start of “Europe’s Natural Treasures 2022” international photography competition

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New Position Paper: Energy generation without destroying nature is the path to climate neutrality 2040

Reduce, prioritise, restore: How to consume and generate energy to tackle the climate and nature crises.

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EU Pilot Project Strengthens Nature Conservation at the European Green Belt

On November 9, 1989 the Berlin Wall came down – the beginning of the end of the Iron Curtain. 32 years later, the EU-funded project „BEST Belt“ aims to make it easier for local nature conservation organisations getting access to EU funds.

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Demand: EIB has to improve environmental and social standards

The European Investment Bank has financed a series of damaging hydropower projects since 2010 which underline the need to tighten its environmental and social standards, according to a new report published today by CEE Bankwatch Network and EuroNatur.

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Mark of support for biodiversity: EuroNatur Award presented to World Biodiversity Council researchers

++ Researchers working for the World Biodiversity Council IPBES have received the 2021 EuroNatur Award ++ Science is drawing attention to dramatic species extinction ++ Biodiversity crisis a threat to humanity ++

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Saving biodiversity: Researchers of IPBES receive EuroNatur Award

++ Researchers of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) are being awarded the EuroNatur Prize 2021 ++ Dramatic species extinction is a result of human activity ++ The biodiversity crisis and the climate crisis go hand in hand ++

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