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Investigation Video: Primeval Forest Destruction in Romania’s National Parks

EuroNatur and Agent Green: This is currently Europe’s biggest environmental drama!

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Hydropower Tsunami on Balkans

New hydropower report: Dam tsunami on Balkans is speeding up ++ 2.800 hydropower projects planned, 187 under construction ++ more than 1.000 of them inside protected areas

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EuroNatur Award 2017 assigned

For the Preservation of the Salina Ulcinj: Gudrun Steinacker is winner of the EuroNatur Award 2017

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Cooperation, not separation

++ Conservationists on the Balkans counteract national egoisms ++ Second international “European Green Belt Day” was complete success ++ Largest event in the regional section “Balkan Green Belt” took place in Serbia on the Danube ++

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Two new animal species discovered in the area of projected dam on Vjosa

++ International research team finds 300 animal species in only one week, including a new fish and stonefly species ++ Sediment transport could grind electricity generation of the projected hydropower plant Poçem to a halt within 25 years ++

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Dedication to internationally significant wetland area

++ Gudrun Steinacker receives EuroNatur Award 2017 ++ German ambassador (ret.) to Montenegro strongly advocated protection of Ulcinj Salina ++

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Huchen protesting at Drina Regatta

++ 20,000 people at this year's event on Drina River in Serbia ++ NGO's protested against damming the globally most important Huchen (Danube Salmon) River ++

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Does World Heritage Status provide protection to Romanian primeval forests?

++ EuroNatur and Agent Green welcome recognition of 24,000 hectares of primeval beech forests in Romania as World Heritage ++ Nonetheless: Destruction of old-growth forests in Romania is most pressing problem for nature conservation in Europe ++


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Forest Alert: Romanian Ministry Attacks Own Primary Forest Protection Laws

Ministry surprisingly neglects the existence of its 2005 published inventory on primary forest areas in the country.

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Hydropower project Kalivaç revisited

Albanian government re-opens the concession procedure for the Kalivaç HPP++ NGOs prepare their opposition

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