EuroNatur in search of the most beautiful photos of nature in Europe


„Sanderling“ von Edwig Vanhassel, Siegerbild des Fotowettbewerbs 2013

© Edwig Vanhassel

International photo competition "Nature treasures of Europe 2014" has started


Press release, 10th December 2014

Radolfzell. The magic of light in autumn forests, mushrooms sporting a “flamboyant hairstyle” or the breathtaking display flight of white-tailed eagles: Europe’s nature offers a wide variety of impressive photo motifs.  This is already the 21st time that EuroNatur, the nature heritage foundation, is launching the nature photo competition "Nature treasures of Europe"  in cooperation with “natur“ magazine, the NaturVision film festival and Gelsenwasser AG inviting both amateur and professional photographers to capture the beauty of Europe's nature. “We are looking forward to receiving the most beautiful and spectacular photos of animals, plants or landscapes in Europe”, says Gabriel Schwaderer, director of EuroNatur.

Entries will be judged by an expert jury and the best photos will be showcased in an exhibition at the Mauth information centre of the Bavarian Forest National Park in autumn 2014 and awarded with valuable prizes. The first prize is a Zeiss Mono telescope 20x60 S Mono.  In addition, the prize winning photos will be published in the EuroNatur picture calenda as well as in Euronatur magazine, "natur” magazine, and on the organisers' websites.

The closing date of the competition is 31st March 2014. Further information can be found here

For further information please contact:

Konstanzer Straße 22
78315 Radolfzell
Phone: 07732 - 92 72 24
Fax: 07732 - 92 72 22
Press contact: Angie Rother


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