Office Management and Administration

Michael Fantinato has spent most of his life in Germany, he says, however: “In my mind and heart I have always remained Slovene and I am proud to have my roots in the Balkans.“
Since 2020, the trained office clerk for office communication has been supporting EuroNatur‘s team in office management and feels that 'he has finally arrived‘. “By working at EuroNatur, I want to give something back to my home country Slovenia and do something good from a distance“, he explains, why he feels to be at the right place with EuroNatur. There were far too few organisations who – as EuroNatur – are committed to conserve the natural resources in the Balkans. It seems as if Slovenia just consists of mountains, flowers and forests; simply a fantastic nature which must be preserved.
“It makes me happy when I can take the load off my colleagues and make sure that the office runs smoothly.“ Michael Fantinato is, amongst others, responsible for booking project trips and he helps with the organisation of events. When you phone the EuroNatur headquarters, in most cases you end up with him or Manuela Fundinger. If someone bestows EuroNatur with a gift donation, Michael Fantinato also takes care of the formal processing of the donation; the financial reports of EuroNatur‘s project partners run past him, too. Together with his wife Ines Fantinato he checks whether donations and funds were used correctly.