Graphics & distribution

Kerstin Sauer is the person who presents EuroNatur in visual terms. A designer in communications, she has been working at EuroNatur Service GmbH since 2006. From EuroNatur trade fair stands and exhibitions to all the publications - the magazine, the annual report, donation appeals, project reports, information brochures to the travel guide – the whole range bears her signature.
A clear-cut, plain line is particularly important to Kerstin Sauer. She relies on the principle “a picture is worth a thousand words” to convey the message of EuroNatur. On the prowl for good photos she also roams the countryside with her camera. Her everyday work covers the whole process from graphic idea to draft and final design and also production and distribution of print products. As a jury member for the renowned EuroNatur photo competition, Kerstin Sauer selects the twelve best nature photographs each year for the calendar „Natural Treasures of Europe“. She has been instrumental in making this photo competition popular throughout Europe.
She never wanted to find herself simply advertising consumer products. She far too much identifies with nature conservation. Thus, she prefers to use her creativity for exploring innovative ways of making EuroNatur better known. In her own words: “Day by day I’m happy that my work contributes to presenting EuroNatur’s projects visually appealing, easy to understand, and colourful.”