Head of Programme European Green Belt

Anne Katrin Heinrichs is drawn to the European vision in EuroNatur. From the start of her professional activities nature conservation has consistently meant thinking and implementing on an international scale. With a diploma in landscape ecology she first worked for what used to be GTZ and is now GIZ, the German Society for International Cooperation, on the implementation of the Biodiversity Convention and on the establishment of a cross-border ecological initiative in the Alps as part of the ECONNECT project.
This versatile ecologist joined the EuroNatur team in 2012. Anne Katrin Heinrichs’ main focus is the continued development of the Green Belt Europe initiative, which not only serves to connect completely different habitats together but also to coordinate different approaches to nature conservation – an exciting and challenging task. Anne Katrin’s experience in international conservation makes a valuable contribution to this major trans-European conservation project.
In her own words: “The many different areas of activity in EuroNatur and its principle of combining practical projects on the ground with work at political level strongly appeal to me. I am particularly impressed with the way EuroNatur always bears the needs of local people in mind. I also very much enjoy the cooperation with local partner organisations. I find it exciting to be part of a European network and to be working in this team on a vision for the protection of the unique natural world in Europe.”