Editorial assistance

Anja Nieden possesses a strong proficiency in foreign languages, making her a valuable asset to our internationally operating nature conservation foundation, where she consistently applies her language skills to our projects. Anja studied English and French, worked as a translator, and then as a marketing assistant at a software company. Later, she worked as a content specialist for an agricultural online shop, translating and writing product information, among other things. During this time, she not only learnt other languages, such as Norwegian and Polish but also acquired marketing and website design skills.
With this wide-ranging knowledge, Anja Nieden joined EuroNatur in October 2023 and supports our public relations team as an editorial assistant. She assumes numerous tasks in the backend of our content management system, especially in search engine optimisation. In addition, Anja organises voluntary translations or does them herself and is responsible for proofreading our print products.
Anja Nieden grew up in Dettingen near Constance. She says: "Having grown up in a village, I always took nature for granted. I only realised that something was wrong when I had my first child. We must take care of our natural resources. As part of EuroNatur, I am happy to make a small contribution to this."