EuroNatur Award 2023

A signal for river protection in Poland

Watch a best-of video of the award ceremony here. You can find the recording of the whole event on Facebook.

EuroNatur Award winners 2023
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© Gerald Jarausch
Protest of the Polish Alliance for River Protection with posters

The three laureates have received the award for the whole coaltion which includes over 50 organisations and individuals.

© Justyna Choros

The environmental disaster on the Oder River last year showed how quickly a sensitive ecosystem can collapse. But the planned expansion of the Oder into a waterway is just as dangerous for the German-Polish border river. This is one of the issues against which the Save the rivers Coalition (KRR) from Poland is fighting and for what it received the EuroNatur Award 2023. The award is not only intended to acknowledge the individual activities of the alliance. It is meant especially to highlight the willingness to work together and join forces to increase the impact for nature conservation, said EuroNatur President Thomas Potthast in his laudation.

Impressions of the Award Ceremony

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