Press & public relations

In his spare time Christian Stielow is often to be found out with his binoculars, bird watching on the Mettnau peninsula of Lake Constance. His curiosity and the yearning for those special moments are what drive him on. By training, he is a historian and the natural world is his hobby. But it is not passion alone which brought the native of Northern Friesland to EuroNatur. It is his aim to pass on his enthusiasm to others, and so do something for nature conservation.
Since the beginning of 2017 the EuroNatur team has been the stronger for his presence in the public relations department. One of his main areas of responsibility is maintaining the EuroNatur website. With the newsletter he keeps our followers up to date with the latest developments in EuroNatur's activities and he is the contact person at the EuroNatur stand for numerous publicity campaigns. He enriches the magazine and the annual report with his articles and boosts the public profile of EuroNatur projects.
"One of my key concerns is to increase central European awareness of the Balkans. The landscapes of South East Europe are every bit as rich and varied as its cultures. I want to make people more aware not only of its beauty, but also of the threats to its survival ", says Christian Stielow.